
Chris has put in many years work on licensing and public safety and when he served as Lord Mayor for a year his performance was so good that other parties asked him to stay on for another year. Both Gary and Chris served on the police authority

Prior to the introduction of the Mayoral system, Gary was a cabinet member for some years making radical changes to our recycling service with Bristol becoming a national leader on waste reduction and trebling its recycling rate. Tragically Bristol under two successive Mayors has gone backwards since.

When he was transport member he was a key player in getting record central government funding for the West of England .

In charge of parks he presided over a huge net increase in our parks area and invested a record amount in our parks and in particular childrens' play areas.

Improved the parks and waste services so much we won national and international awards. Involved local residents groups.

Negotiated a partnership agreement with the police which put more bobbys and PCSOs on our streets and got the tackling environmental crime like littering and dog fouling on behalf of the council. This level of cooperation is now dead.