
The e-focus is our e-mail newsletter and was until recently also carrying a Lib Dem logo.  It goes to a large number of subscribers in Knowle and a few outside. 

It is free to join and anybody can unsubscribe at any time.  It now goes out roughly monthly but with additional special editions.

We are able to get news out more quickly by e-focus but we know that many still value the paper edition.

Here are all the e-focuses issued.

efocus May 2024 Election Special!.pdf
efocus April 2024 EXTRA!.pdf
efocus April 2024.pdf
efocus march 2024 second UPDATE.pdf
efocus march 2024 UPDATE.pdf
efocus march 2024.pdf
efocus january 2024.pdf
efocus december 2023.pdf
efocus november 2023.pdf
efocus october 2023.pdf
efocus september 2023.pdf
efocus august 2023.pdf
efocus july supplumentary 2023.pdf
efocus july 2023.pdf
efocus june special 2023.pdf
efocus june 2023.pdf
efocus may 2023.pdf
efocus march 2023.pdf
efocus january 2023 supplementary.pdf
efocus january 2023.pdf
efocus - december 2022.pdf
efocus - november 2022.pdf
efocus - october 2022 updates.pdf
efocus - september 2022 jubilee pool.pdf
efocus - september 2022 petition update.pdf
efocus - september 2022 supplementary.pdf
efocus - september 2022.pdf
efocus - august 2022.pdf
efocus - june 2022.pdf
efocus - may 2022 mayoral referendum.pdf
efocus - april 2022.pdf
efocus - march 2022 supplementary typo fixed.pdf
efocus - march 2022 supplementary.pdf
efocus - march 2022.pdf
efocus - february 2022.pdf
efocus - january 2022.pdf
51 Aug 21 fir website.pdf
48 March for website (1).pdf